Place Rankings

Regional & National Indexes

Below are Innovation Cities™ Indexes by region (and sub-region) for each year since 2009.

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    * Both delivered via email on Substack. Free.
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Want any data on any cities for an analysis project you are working on?

That’s 2thinknow City Benchmarking Data which powers the Innovation Cities™ Index.

Want to understand the Index and the context behind it?

Order the Innovation Cities™ Analysis Report which sets out 2thinknow’s entire worldview at this time, and the Index method. It’s enlightening and different.

If you order the report and buy City Benchmarking Data within 2 months, you will receive USD $300 off your first data order (minimum order $1200). Mention this $300 off offer when purchasing.

Want the 162 Indicators we benchmarked for your city?

Then you need the City Data Audit which includes the data we hold on your city. Any city in Index available. Delivery 1-3 weeks depending on workload.

If you just want individual indicators for multiple cities we can do that too. Order online all cities data direct too.