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Finally! Accurate city data to model & compare business locations.
City data can vary 800% between cities. So while are you using national statistics? Or grab bag stats? You can order our accurate data points on any cities globally... Get our City Data Catalog.ANALYSIS

Our clients can make a case for innovation. They know higher rates of innovation mean more income, revenue, lower unemployment.
If you are looking to improve your economy, and fund social programs you care about, growth is the only answer. A higher rate of innovation in our Index correlates to much higher economic growth (higher rates of $GDP per capita for you economic geeks) over time.
Higher innovation rates also correlates to lower rates of unemployment. And if you could measure it, cities with higher rates of innovation are more dynamic.
If you want to understand and develop innovation, is the best way long academic theories? Asking a consultant? Yet another long change process? Tasking graduates who can use google?
In the Special Annual Package offer we share the tools & practical insights direct from 500 cities, studied since 2007 by 2thinknow. Insights you can start sharing right away!
All at a very special time-limited annual price!
Save & solve real world problems with innovation with your existing teams...
Rather than paying consultants, use your existing teams to innovate. Learn our innovation model proven with attendees across 25+ cities. Covers government, trade, banking, finance, insurance, and other multi-stakeholder verticals. Powerful, yet easily understood. We will host a team training near you.

BONUS- Our clients access the quickest city knowhow & usable takeaways in one newsletter.
We share general secrets, insights and take-aways from the data of 500 cities. It is based on the data we collect on 500 cities. What is better theory? Or data and practice?
Subscribe now here - As a Cities Innovator for only USD $1,050 per annum. (Great value)
Weekly insights and analysis. Email newsletter and searchable archive. Plus annual summary of Index results 36 hours prior to release.
LAUNCH ONLY BONUS - Any Indicator - 12 cities results!
Note this excludes all the value in the very special analysis package - so we recommend you purchase that first to understand the concepts.