Definition of a Smart City: compared with Innovation Cities

The EU is holding a public consultation on Smart Cities, but I can't seem to find a usable definition. What do you think?

The link for that consultation ... Here is it:

Mathew Lowry
Asked: in the Innovation Cities™ LinkedIn Discussion Group


Smart Cities is a vendor / city term commonly used to refer to the creation of knowledge infrastructure.

Smart City, in everyday use, is inclusive of terms such as 'digital city' or 'connected cities'. Smart Cities as an applied technology term often refers to smart grids, smart meters, and other infrastructure for electricity, water supply, waste and what 2thinknow refer to as, 'city basics'.

Smart cities when primarily used in civic discussions, as relating to an internet-enabled, broadband, wireless and digital concept for future of cities.

A useful fairly-inclusive formulation of Smart Cities (moving towards a definition) is this paper by Prof. Nicos Komninos (academic, and early published proponent of intelligent and knowledge cities), Schaffer and others.

Smart Cities and Innovation Cities.

In the Innovation Cities™ Program, 2thinknow use the factor 'Human Infrastructure' to include the 'Smart Cities' concept, as well as Business, Commerce and Mobility segments. Mobility: i.e. public transport and personal mobility is a critical part of Human Infrastructure that is  excluded in the use of the term 'Smart Cities', at least in some common uses.

Since 2007, 2thinknow have proposed the concept that government / business has the responsibility to enable innovation, through Human Infrastructure. The exact mix of government or business depends on the city, so even in a "Smart Cities' definition, this moves towards a location-based answer.

Data Resources for Smart Cities.

2thinknow City Benchmarking Data™ can create benchmark data-sets to measure and compare Smart Cities by extracting around 20 standard indicators for the segments of Technology & Communication, Basics (Utilities etc), Resources & Energy and other infrastructure. 13 standard Mobility City Indicators can also be added, and also, an unlimited number of custom benchmarks.

2thinknow standard city data-sets are globally standardized across 289 benchmark cities.

Final Word.

The Smart Cities concept is popular within European Union at current, and the source of numerous E.U. programs and funding. Broadly speaking, as a concept, if Smart Cities improves Human Infrastructure that is positive for cities.

Innovation Cities™ Program by 2thinknow, is inclusive of the Smart Cities concept. Smart Cities can be applied, and works with Innovation Cities™ data, analysis, tools and events.

Keep innovating

Christopher Hire
Exec Dir, 2thinknow ICP

ABOUT 2thinknow CITY BENCHMARKING DATA: City Benchmarking Data from 2thinknow can provide benchmarks of all major cities on over 180 City Indicators from local to high-tech manufacturing, labor force, business approach, company start-up times and all the data innovators/change agents need.

We are the only company to provide actual performance data, with analysis, evidence and source URLs in Excel and Slide formats. All priced at USD $12 to $25 per indicator for each city you select so it's affordable. If you compare 2 cities or 10 cities, we can tell you which cities are best at what you need. More >

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