Consulting Partner Program

1 Data Discount

If you are a consultant, you can order data at a discount - effectively a commission for ordering data, or discount for tight budget projects.

2 Co-Consultation Fees

If we co-consult with you we expand your team, without the overhead. You will also receive a discount.

3 Residual Income
If you provide your client with a product on a multi-year contract such as a City Package or a City Scorecard, you are able to claim income for each year after.

Please register below as a partner (all partners must be approved). This will also allow you to ask questions. If you have a specific opportunity you need help with, let us know on form below.

Registering is not binding - it just allows us to check you out, and you to check us out, in order to work together.

Partner FAQ

Why Partner with 2thinknow?

Simple. 2thinknow City Benchmarking Data is city-level data that makes your job easy.

What benefits do Partners get?

Commissions or discounts on City Benchmarking Data - sell data at full price, or discount it as input in your quote to client.

Advance notice on data and other services.

Additional support on data and other services.

Who can become a Partner?

Any consultant at arms-length from a customer (i.e. cannot be a subsidiary of customer, or linked entity, or a government agency) in a key market.

What countries are key markets?

USA, Canada, Europe, Eurasia, India, Asia (excluding China and North Korea), Australia, New Zealand, Latin America.

Specifically Africa, North Korea and China are generally excluded without special procedures.

What is the rate of commission or discount?

This will vary depending on the opportunity, product and market, but it is worth the effort. This will be clarified before moving ahead.

Once a product or service is ordered, who pays us?

In most cases we prefer to be paid via the customer, then will remit your commission to you.

Or, you can pay us with special conditions, based on the longevity of our relationship.

How quickly will my partner registration be processed?

Around 4-14 days, but we will require additional information.

Do 2thinknow ever reject partners or partner deals?

Sometimes if we have not enough information, the market or opportunity is not correct for us, or other operating reasons. We may require additional information and a signed agreement to proceed with your application.