Benchmark Indicator Reports

Know how your city benchmarks, quickly, at indicator level.

Benchmark Indicator Reports give you that evidence. Simply select any indicator, and you can quickly benchmark your city (or cities) against any competing cities you choose. This includes the relevant data to compare all cities. We can also recommend a basket of peer cities based on population, GDP, size or other considerations.

We update to latest data with delivery of the latest results in a 5 working days or less.

To plan to change your city, you need the best evidence.

Or, not ready yet? You can also contact us for a call, to discuss your city and the relevant indicator(s) below.

Report Features

Choice of Indicator

Benchmark your city near on any one of 162+ Indicators against competing cities.

25 Cities

Benchmark your city on any other cities from our list of 500. We can also recommend cities.

Data in Excel
For your convenience, all data is in Excel - not messy online formats or tools.
Analysis in PowerPoint
To enable you to explain the insights, supporting analysis is in PowerPoint.

Also included at no charge


60 days guarantee period for corrections or clarifications.


Video call and email support on report.

Quick Online Order Below

You can specify your chosen comparison cities at a later stage, via email. Data is always available for 500 cities.

Quick Terms

Brief Terms - Offer available online only. Not used in conjunction with any other discounts. Delivery of information is checked thoroughly by analysts to be relevant, so will arrive within 5 working days in 2+ separate emails. Please ensure your email address is official and correct here and on the checkout stage on next page. We will contact you to gather more details from you as needed. Please use your Academic, Business, Govt or NGO emails. Note we may reject unknown orders from gmail, hotmail, student or generic email addresses. Subject to 2ThinkNow standard Ts&Cs here (as updated time by time).  Files will be stored on Microsoft OneDrive for a period of 90 days after order for your convenience. Zoom or MS Teams (your choice) are all that you need for video call component.

Co-creation Options

We can also provide training/co-creation workshops at a reasonable fee to improve your cities performance in any indicator. Available in ANZ, some Asia, USA, Europe and Mid-East. Contact us for a call.