City Benchmark Reports


Our clients insist on evidence.

To build the best business case and change programs, you need the best evidence. All the solutions you purchase from 2thinknow are based on evidence. Evidence from 500 cities. The solutions outlined for your consideration range from do-it-yourself analyst insights to city data, benchmark reports, co-creation workshops, our global 'discovery' search process, right up to bespoke planning.

Giving you evidence-based solutions that you can point to “worked in other peer cities.”

Regardless of ultimate outcomes. Giving you greater safety, lower risk.

Reduce your risk, increase your surety, before engaging consultants.


Services below for your consideration. Please, do ask us questions.


Indicator Benchmarks

Select any one of 162 Indicators, to improve your city. Compare any 50 competing cities. Full report. Recommended actions.

Industry Benchmarks

Benchmark your city on any industry or portfolio (transport, smart, digital, etc). Recommended changes possible.

City-Wide Benchmarks
Benchmark your city on only the indicators you can control or influence. Best practice evidence for areas you care about.
Improve your Benchmarks
Comprehensive review with benchmarks & total innovation action plan, based on 500 cities of insights, to help you move fast.
Indicator Benchmarks
Single Indicator Report
Per Report

Benchmark your city on any indicator from the list. See how you rank globally!

Select any 25 cities from 500 covered.

Choose any ONE from All Indicators

All Data & Charts in Excel for Internal Use

Analysis in Slides for External Use

Analyst Email Support for 60 Days

30 min Video Support Call

Industry Benchmarks
Single Industry Report

Benchmark your city on a single industry against competing cities.

Select any 25 cities from 500 covered.

Multi-indicator 31 Industries or Special*

Data & Chart Format in Excel for Internal Use

Full Slide Analysis for External Use

Analyst Email Support for 60 Days

60 Min Video Support Call

Improve Benchmarks
Change Your City
(multiple options)

Co-creating an innovation plan based on 500 cities of data to improve your city.

Your city must be accepted by us

Select/custom indicators from data set as needed

Detailed Custom Charts & Data Excel

Multiple Custom Slide Reports

Analyst Email Support Ongoing

Extensive Video Support