Innovation Cities™ Emerging 11 Index 2009

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Middle East and Africa

Innovation Cities™ Emerging 11 Index.

Published in the Innovation Cities Analysis Report, this is the 2thinknow Innovation Cities™ Emerging 11 Index - a ranking of Africa, Middle-East and 'Stan States leading innovation cities, from 11 selected major cities within the area.

Our ranking methodology is outlined in the Innovation Cities Analysis Report, available for purchase.Numerous cities in this region did not meet the selection criteria, related to wealth, health, public safety and other factors.

The Index uses an analysis based on looking at 162 Indicators, across 31 segments, compared with benchmark peer cities to derive an Index Score.

Innovation Cities™ Emerging 11 Index.

USE: The Index is copyright innovation analysts, 2thinknow. It may be reproduced in full as the "2thinknow Innovation Cities™ Emerging 11 Index" with a link to this site.

1 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates 23 HUB CITIES 50
2 Dubai United Arab Emirates 22 NODE CITIES
3 Cape Town South Africa 20 NODE CITIES
4 Jeddah Saudi Arabia 20 NODE CITIES
5 Doha Qatar 19 NODE CITIES
6 Riyadh Saudi Arabia 19 NODE CITIES
7 Kuwait City Kuwait 19 NODE CITIES
8 Kiev Ukraine 17 INFLUENCERS
9 Casablanca Morocco 17 INFLUENCERS
10 Johannesburg South Africa 16 UNRANKED
11 Dakar Senegal 11 UNRANKED

BASIS: The index is a sub-set of the analysis that produced the 2thinknow Innovation Cities Global Index 2009, a ranking of 256 cities worldwide - including all major developed cities. Global rankings are on the right column of the above table, and Index Scores are listed in the Global Index.

For an explanation of the Innovation Cities Framework and Index Methodology, order the Innovation Cities Analysis Report, available for purchase from 2thinknow.