Innovation Cities™ Analysis & Data is available to order by cities in a print or electronic formats.
1) ANALYSIS: Printed Reports
The 2thinknow Innovation Cities Analysis Report is an overview of the Innovation Cities research, including full explanation of 162 indicators used to assess innovation in cities worldwide. > More on Print
2) DATA: City Benchmarking Data
City Data Audit [SCD] on any city using 162 Innovation Indicators on the list of 256 cities.
Or Comparative City Data-set – 3, 5, 8, 12 or 15 cities side-by-side. With each city scored on 162 Innovation Indicators.
Or, Custom Analysis.
Alternately, 2thinknow can work with you to develop custom research. This can utilise the Innovation Cities Framework, City Benchmarking Data, Case Studies complementary models, and innovation analysis.
We work with you, confidentially, to meet your specific needs.
For details, email