It’s the 10th annual release and 10 years since the first Innovation Cities™ Index was released by 2thinknow!
Now at 500 cities, the Innovation Cities™ Index 2016-2017 is being reworked and redeveloped by 2thinknow to deal with all the global changes in 2016. Expect some surprise ranking changes, as a result.
Countdown to release is now on, for release in a couple of weeks.
What’s Changed
We have extensively updated and reworked the scoring basis of the Innovation Cities™ Index to include even more current data from our City Benchmarking Data set on 500+ cities.
Even More Current
This means even more current benchmark scores than other rankings, and more current data for over 50% of the indicators — many indicators and cities now updated to have 2016 or 2015 base data.
Better Measure Innovation Pre-Conditions
Secondarily, 2thinknow have significantly redesigned the underlying Standard Indicators.
We have recalibrated all scoring to better measure pre-conditions for innovation.
Population Standardization
We have made extensive changes standardising population base, to focus more on the city’s Urban area, and in select indicators (where applicable) Metropolitan areas.
All of the above, should mean some shifts in overall band scores for the 3 factors each city is scored upon. Cultural Assets, Human Infrastructure and Networked Markets.
Want Updates?
2thinknow® analysts have had many queries from customers and fans wanting to know for the launch of the Innovation Cities™ Index 2016-2017.
To keep up to date as Media, please register here. Or contact us here with queries.
Or, keep your eyes posted here.
Based on 162 indicators, and supported by many data points of the City Benchmarking Data™ and the Innovation Cities™ Analysis Report and Innovation Cities™ Program.
Business Users
For businesses, the underlying data and indicators can be purchased for any cities and data points you select, with over 1300 data points and over 500 cities.
Cities & Governments
We provide your government with full data on your own city, via the subscription packages which offer complete data and analysis for your city.
See Innovation Cities™ Subscriptions
Set your calendars, the long-awaited Innovation Cities™ Index 2016-2017 is soon to launch.