The following Commonwealth cities, are being added to the list of 256 Cities benchmarked.
Ahmedabad, India, ASIA
- Birmingham, UK, EUROPE
- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, EMERGING
- Durban (eThekwini), South Africa, EMERGING
- Freetown, Sierra Leone, EMERGING
- Port Moresby, PNG, ASIA
- Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago, EMERGING
This adds to cities from countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, India & other Commonwealth nations. These nations will be added to be benchmarked in 2010.
Get included.
For Cities to be included they normally need to meet basic life expectancy, live births, GDP per capita and population requirements. Any of these may be waived where a city is suitably important, due to participation in international bodies.
There are 2 ways to be included:
1) Benchmarking your City.
Cities can pay a fee for 2thinknow to independently benchmark their city, and we will provide your city a copy of the data on 162 indicators (in 2009). Where the data already exists, this will include cross-checking the data and adding comments prior to delivery. Turnaround at current is around 21 days for new cities not previously indexed.
See > Single Cities Data-sets or email to order.
2) Cities – Do-It-Yourself.
For those with less financial resources, your city can make a submission to update the cities data and/or be benchmarked.
To do so, a city completes a self-assessment survey, however, all submissions must be honest, and will be cross-checked. Allow 1 person up to 5 working days to complete the survey – depending on the quality of data available to you.
Contact us – to do so.