Cultural Exchange: Travel & Tourism

This segment contains the following Indicators available to order.

Global Airport Connections

How well connected and how close is the airport to other major airports in flying hours?

Hotel Range

Range of hotels, motels, hostels and accommodation options with a strong mix and bed supply being optimal.

Inbound Visitors

Number of inbound tourist arrivals in area by all recorded modes.

International Conferences

Conference popularity and facilities within city, and whether all year round or seasonal.

International Students

Number and professional mix of international students in city, compared to competing cities.


How many languages do the citizens of a city speak? Are those languages international languages, or regional dialects. % of English fluency is a key enabler of trade.


Multi-lingual cities, speaking major global languages, are open to further trade diversity than more isolated single language (or dialect) cultures.

Tourist Entry

Ease of visitor entry for wealthier national tourists and casual visitors to country.

Travel Advisories

Travel advisories by one of the UK, US, Canada, Australia or NZ can indicate negative reasons against travel.

Visitor Entry

Measures visa requirements for entry and classifies degree of burden placed on a potential traveler.

Visitor Information

Quality and quantity of printed, web and mobile information in English and other languages, that is easily available.

Other options:

Data Points within these indicators are also available for separate order.