Making City Submissions

For Cities & Councils

Package Subscribers can submit their cities latest data and information to 2thinknow.

2thinknow City Benchmarking Data is independently compiled from our data sources and methods. We will accept city information where it is the best available (better than other sources).

*City package subscribers at all levels excluding Bronze. Bronze does not have data license.

Review Data
City package subscribers* can review latest awesome data and indicators 2thinknow have created on your city.
Submit Data
Only city package subscribers* can submit updated data (numerical information) from your Open Data or other initiatives.
Submit Information

Submit additional city information such as PDF studies or case studies, as well as books or printed material via mail.

2thinknow Review

2thinknow analysts will review your submission of data* or information and accept that meets our guidelines.

Update Data Points

2thinknow analysts will add &/or update our Data Points* if your data is determined to be the best available data.

Update Indicators
Data Points will in turn update Indicators used by the annual Innovation Cities™ Index city rankings.
Update Corporations
Major corporations purchase 2thinknow City Benchmarking Data - Data Points and Indicators - for investment and other purposes.
Update Case Studies

2thinknow analysts will utilize your reliable accepted information when updating analysis or training.

Submit your latest data to 2thinknow.

This service is exclusive to City Package Subscribers only from 2thinknow.

*City package subscribers at all levels excluding Bronze. Bronze does not have data license.