Public Sphere Melbourne – Australian ICT & Creative Industries

Early draft notes from the Public Sphere in Melbourne with thanks to Donna Benjamin and Christopher Hire [Executive Director, innovation analysts – 2thinknow].

UPDATE: Relevant ideas, links and editing of the ideas below are now being updated on Senator Lundy’s Wiki

This page is for reference only.

Christopher Hire’s slides on Innovation Cities can be found at:

Reference Notes from Event.


  • Technology Future Forward
  • Startups & Creative Industries on a Digital Island
  • Infrastructure Enabling the Future Economy

Initial draft, to be tidied up in the wiki – spelling mistakes et al.

1. Public Sphere – Melbourne Island

3. 1: What would be good policy in technology for 2012, 2015, 2025?
4. 1: What would be good policy for startups and creative industries for 2012, 2015, & 2025?
6. 1: What can we do about infrastructure 2012, 2015 and 2025?

1.1. Technology group
1. 8: don’t think google killer,

1.3. What would be good policy in technology for 2012, 2015, 2025?
1. 10: incubator progam needed that works. No P taken. Business acxcelerator
2. 5: Government policy on telecommunications devices (mobile) to maintain technology standards to foster commerial innovation
3. 4: 2012 – establish a series of publicly operated state based business accelerators for new technologies & companies based on world best practice eg., the business incubators at cambridge ubi uk, sophia antipodies france, austin us, etc.
4. 8: treat telcoms as a utility.. electricity is electricity.. why is internet not internet
5. 9: 2012 policy toward level playing fields for access to affordable high speed internet that isn’t related to a persons location, could this be addressed even before we have an NBN?
6. 5: National Broadband Digital Applications Lab – to assist Australian startups develop and commercialise new applications i.g. remote medical applications, games, educational, entertainment, enabeling rural and regional business
7. 9: 2012 better policies related to green IT in teerms of government themselves and incentives for the private sector
8. 10: immersive 3d environments – And 4d.. .time based (for online trading systems etc)

1.4. What would be good policy for startups and creative industries for 2012, 2015, & 2025?
1. 8: collaboration,what are creative industries? current & or new/
2. 8: CIs in 2025 encoirage local stff to stay local
3. 11: need to develop the supply chain for the creaqtive industries – education is critical. currently too much focus on training consumers of technology – rather than creators of technology
4. 8: is it about funding ? training?
5. 8: how do you develpop things which rise above the noise?
6. 8: what kind of policy to get value add you cpuldn’t create in other ways
7. 8: awsom policies to go with new awsom world
8. 9: policies focused on the infrastructures in our cities, towns etc. where creatives and startups etc. can ‘do what they do’ organically…??
9. 8: oseing focused collabration – ow can policy achieve this?
10. 8: HECS tp fnding scheme
11. 9: would more government/local funded creative/.startup incubators be encouraged?
12. 8: suppor risk shaing for things like tangential ideas

1.6. What can we do about infrastructure 2012, 2015 and 2025?
1. 6: the government should take more responsebility of the roads and train systems. It should not only be a private companies responsebility. Because in the end the general public is useing thouse systems.
2. 9: work backwards from the consumer/transport user experience for policy/infrastructure systems etc
3. 9: should we focus on fast trains (as an example/analogy) that take 3 hours to get to sydney running twice a day or trains that take 6 hours but run every 30 minutes or less?
4. 9: re: mobgreen infrastructure etc. smart sensors, smart tech in cars et, houses etc.
5. 6: @3 bouth is possible. Fast trains that run frequently even for example from Frankfurt to Paris(5h) and that are fast. it is just a matter of proper planning and willing to implement it.
6. 9: houses, business, buildings, vehicles infrastructure goes beyond roads and rails, some of the ways we communivcated and collaborated today point to the types of infrastructures we should be encouraging and investing perhaps
7. 9: oops that wasconfuising ^^
8. 9: what imeant was our energy infrastructure should incorporate the harvesting of energy from vehicles, houses, buildings etc.
9. 8: pln for renewble clean energy provision, so that engery requiremnts of porjecs ae removed
10. 8: be couragious in forward plannning fro infrastructure.. te demand may not yet exist at time of build.. but think beond the electoial terms
11. 9: we need to disconnect ourselves from a communications infrastruture that for the person at home is reliant on a telstra exchange… this might be the most important element of the NBN??