
Retail & Shopping

This segment contains the following Indicators available to order. Department Stores Breadth and range of department stores of […]

Sports & Fitness

This segment contains the following Indicators available to order. Fitness Facilities Presence of gyms, and indoor and outdoor […]

Start-ups & Entrepreneurs

This segment contains the following Indicators available to order. Company Setup How long does it take to set-up […]

Technology & Communications

This segment contains the following Indicators available to order. Broadband Internet Measuring estimated broadband internet penetration the cities […]

Most innovative cities in the world

Innovation Cities™ Index 2015 : Global

Innovation Cities Global Index 2015 by 2thinknow. The only full global city classification and ranking of the Innovation Economy for 500 benchmark cities, based on 162 city indicators, in its 9th annual year.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2015: Americas

Innovation Cities Americas Index 2015 by 2thinknow. The leading North and South American city classification and ranking of cities for innovation from USA, Canada and South America. Based on 162 city indicators. Established 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2015: Europe

Innovation Cities Europe Index 2015 by 2thinknow. The leading Europe city classification and ranking of cities for the Innovation Economy including cities from Germany, France, UK, Spain, Italy, EU and broader Europe. Based on 162 city indicators. Established 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2015: Asia

Innovation Cities Asia Index 2015 by 2thinknow. The leading city classification and ranking of cities for the Innovation Economy in Asia including cities from China, Japan, Australia, NZ, Korea and SE Asia compared equally with developed cities. Based on 162 city indicators.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2015: Emerging

Innovation Cities Emerging Index 2015 by 2thinknow. The leading city classification and ranking of the Innovation Economy for Mid-East, Africa and Caucasus cities compared equally with developed cities. Based on 162 city indicators.

The Innovation Cities Index 2015 Soon to Launch

The Innovation Cities™ Index 2015 is soon to launch, is in it's 9th year as the world's leading ranking of cities as urban innovation economies, since we at 2thinknow pioneered this work in 2007.

Most innovative cities in the world

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : Global

Innovation Cities Global Index 2014 by 2thinknow. The only full global city classification and ranking of the Innovation Economy for 445 benchmark cities, based on 162 city indicators, in its 8th annual year.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2015 & 2014: Overview

The 8th & 9th Innovation Cities Index by 2thinknow, are the most comprehensive city classifications of all major cities as global innovation economies. An overview of the process by our analysts.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2015 & 2014 FAQ

Frequently asked questions for the Innovation Cities™ Indexes and city classifications for global city rankings/index and indexes for North & South America, Europe, Asia and Emerging cities by 2thinknow.

MEDIA RELEASE: Innovation Cities Index 2014 Launch

Silicon Valley beat London and previous winners New York, Boston, and Vienna to become the world's most innovative city in 2014, in the prestigious 8th annual rankings released by global innovation agency 2thinknow. The full index is listed on this website.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014: Americas

Innovation Cities Americas Index 2014 by 2thinknow. The leading North and South American city classification and ranking of cities for innovation from USA, Canada and South America. Based on 162 city indicators. Established 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014: Europe

Innovation Cities Europe Index 2014 by 2thinknow. The leading Europe city classification and ranking of cities for the Innovation Economy including cities from Germany, France, UK, Spain, Italy, EU and broader Europe. Based on 162 city indicators. Established 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014: Asia

Innovation Cities Asia Index 2014 by 2thinknow. The leading city classification and ranking of cities for the Innovation Economy in Asia including cities from China, Japan, Australia, NZ, Korea and SE Asia compared equally with developed cities. Based on 162 city indicators.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014: Emerging

Innovation Cities Emerging Index 2014 by 2thinknow. The leading city classification and ranking of the Innovation Economy for Mid-East, Africa and Caucasus cities compared equally with developed cities. Based on 162 city indicators.

Most innovative cities in the world

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : Sub-regions

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top cities from each sub-region, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : USA

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top cities from United States of America, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : Canada

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top Canadian cities, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : Latin America

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top Latin American cities, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : Australia & NZ

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top cities from Australia and New Zealand, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : Asia Pacific

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top cities from Asia, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : Japan

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top Japanese cities, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : India

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top Indian cities, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : China

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top Chinese cities, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : Europe Sub-Region

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top European cities, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : Russia

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top Russian cities, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : Mid-East

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top Middle-Eastern cities, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : Eurasia

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top Eurasian cities, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 : Africa

World’s largest city classification and global ranking with top African cities, from 445 global benchmark cities classified, and top cities ranked in 2014. Based on 2thinknow analysis of cities on 162 city indicators, in what our analysts term the ‘global innovation economy’. Annual city scores and ranking since 2007.

Announcing: Innovation Cities™ Index 2014 launch soon!

Classifying cities for the global innovation economy. Every year since 2007, 2thinknow have released classifications of global cities for innovation. Now it is nearing time for release of the Innovation Cities™ Index 2014.

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Most innovative cities in the world

Innovation Cities™ Global Index 2012-2013

Innovation Cities Global Index 2012 by 2thinknow. The only full global city classification and ranking of the Innovation Economy for 450 benchmark cities, based on 162 city indicators, in its 6th year of publication.

Innovation Cities Index 2012-2013 FAQ

Frequently asked questions for the 2012 Innovation Cities Indexes and city classifications for global city index, analyst rankings and indexes for North & South America, Europe, Asia and Emerging cities by 2thinknow.

MEDIA RELEASE: Innovation Cities Indexes 2012-13 Launch

Boston and New York were announced as twin winners for the world's most innovative city today by Australian innovation agency 2thinknow. In the seven years publishing the index, this is the first time two cities have tied for first place -- due to their strong innovation potential. This year's top 10 cities for innovation economy in 2012-2013 were rounded out by Vienna, San Francisco Bay Area, Paris, Munich, London, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, and Seattle.

Innovation Cities Americas Index 2012-2013

Innovation Cities Americas Index 2012-2013 by 2thinknow. The leading North and South American city classification and ranking of cities for innovation from USA, Canada and South America. Based on 162 city indicators. Established 2007.

Innovation Cities™ Europe Index 2012-2013

Innovation Cities Europe Index 2012-2013 by 2thinknow. The leading Europe city classification and ranking of cities for the Innovation Economy including cities from Germany, France, UK, Spain, Italy, EU and broader Europe. Based on 162 city indicators.

Innovation Cities™ Asia Index 2012-2013

Innovation Cities Asia Index 2012-2013 by 2thinknow. The leading city classification and ranking of cities for the Innovation Economy in Asia including cities from China, Japan, Australia, NZ, Korea and SE Asia compared equally with developed cities. Based on 162 city indicators.