Innovation Cities™ Index 2010: All the years indexes from 2thinknow.

Most innovative cities in the world

Innovation Cities™ Global Index 2010

Ranking and scoring cities by their innovation economy potential, the Innovation Cities™ Global Index 2010. The comprehensive ranking of cities comparative performance in the innovation economy since 2007. Publisher 2thinknow. This covers 31 sectors of the economy and community. The top 100 cities are ranked, others are awarded performance categories.

Innovation Cities™ Top 100 Index 2010

The top 100 global cities with strong local innovation economies. These are the top 100 places to live, work and play due to their strong innovation economics, and potential. Measured from 162 indicators that cover the Cultural Assets, Human Infrastructure and Networked Markets needed for dynamic innovation economies.

Top 100 Cities Slides [Cities of the Innovation Economy 2010]

Top 100 Cities of the Innovation Economy: free slides from the Innovation Cities Index 2010. For the benefit of clients, contacts and change agents everywhere, the 2thinknow team have posted the Innovation Cities Top 100 Index slideshow live online, on slideshare.

Innovation Cities™ Americas Index 2010

Ranking and scoring leading cities by their innovation economy potential, the Innovation Cities™ Americas Index 2010. The comprehensive urban innovation index since 2007, with detailed full USA, Canada and South America rankings. Publisher 2thinknow.

Innovation Cities™ Europe Index 2010

Ranking and scoring leading European cities by their innovation economy potential, the Innovation Cities™ Europe Index 2010. The comprehensive urban innovation index since 2007, with detailed full European rankings. Publisher 2thinknow.

Innovation Cities™ Asia Index 2010

Ranking and scoring Asian cities by their innovation economy potential, the Innovation Cities™ Asia Index 2010. The comprehensive urban innovation index since 2007, with detailed China, India, Asia, Australia/NZ rankings. Publisher 2thinknow.

Innovation Cities™ Emerging Index 2010

Ranking and scoring emerging cities by their innovation economy potential, the Innovation Cities™ Emerging Index 2010. The comprehensive urban innovation index since 2007, with combined mid-East, Africa and Caucasus rankings. Publisher 2thinknow.

National statistics on the Innovation Economy

Nation-based data on cities innovation economy performance, drawing data from the Innovation Cities™ Global Index 2010. These national statistics summarize 289 cities for performance across 31 sectors of the economy and community, in 5 urban performance categories.