Innovation Cities™ Index 2018: The years indexes from 2thinknow.

MEDIA RELEASE: First Asian Winner as Sydney Moves into Top ...

RELEASED 18th OCT 2011: "Boston came first again in a field of 331 cities in the Innovation Cities Global Index. This year’s top cities were rounded out by San Francisco Bay Area, Paris, New York and Vienna, as the 5th annual index was released today"

Most innovative cities in the world

Innovation Cities™ Index 2018 : Global

Innovation Cities™ Index 2018 city rankings - largest and longest-running city ranking classifying 500 global cities for innovation, from data innovation agency 2thinknow, est. 2006.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2018: Top 100 Cities

World's top 100 cities for innovation 2018 from the Innovation Cities™ Index city rankings - cities creating an innovation economy (11th year of publication), from data innovation agency 2thinknow, est. 2006.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2018: Americas

Americas cities ranking 2019 by 2thinknow from the 12th annual Innovation Cities™ Index city ranking for USA, Canada and Latin America (South America + Mexico).

Innovation Cities™ Index 2018: Asia

Asia cities ranking 2018 by 2thinknow from the 11th annual Innovation Cities™ Index city ranking for Japan, Australia, NZ, China, India, Korea & Asia-Pacific.

Innovation Cities™ Index 2018: Europe

Europe cities ranking 2018 by 2thinknow from the 11th annual Innovation Cities™ Index city ranking for continental Europe, UK, Russia, Israel and Turkey.