Packages : Platinum

What’s offered in our Platinum package for cities subscribing to the Innovation Cities Program.

Special Analyst Services

Special Services are requests for those added city services not included in City Packages. This may include a […]

Analyst Phone Briefings

For Cities & Councils Sometimes you need to talk to someone to understand data, and results. Understanding and […]

Analyst Email Support

For Cities & Councils Analyst Support enables your questions to be answered. Support to help your city government […]

Making City Submissions

For Cities & Councils Package Subscribers can submit their cities latest data and information to 2thinknow. 2thinknow City […]

City Dashboard Report

For Cities & Councils Make your job easy. Complete view of your city’s performance squeezed into one page […]

City Benchmarking – City Data Audit

Single Cities Data’ (SCD) provide a snapshot of a city Innovation potential across 162 City Indicators in 31 segments. The most comprehensive global comparative city benchmarking data – covering all our indexed cities – is available from 2thinknow.

Video Analyst Advisory Call

Get our analysts outside Innovation Cities™ expertise to ask questions about your cities innovation performance, discuss individual city innovation initiatives, have a sounding board on your city or innovation strategy, and engage in pre-consulting for innovation development, spark new ideas or be a virtual member of your board meetings.

Innovation Cities™ Analysis Report

The Innovation Cities™ Analysis Report analyses cities global conditions, identifies current and predicted future conditions to 2025, and provides the leading framework to measure and improve performance during this time.