Special Analyst Services

Special Services are requests for those added city services not included in City Packages.

This may include a quick query, consulting* or a workshop* or even offbeat requests. Just ask.

Promote Your City

2thinnow can provide a list of your high-scoring indicators with key benchmark strengths to promote about your city.

Ranking Questions
Whether you have a question about the Innovation Cities Index, Smart Cities or another ranking 2thinknow can assist with, please do ask.
City Consulting
Consulting services to cities on innovation, city branding, placemaking or smart cities concepts among other areas. Ask.

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City Workshops*
Workshops on improving and developing your city in different areas are available on a time-limited basis.

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Showcase Events**

2thinknow consider all invites to participate as Media in events that showcase your city** F1, football, sports, culture or arts.

City Conferences**

2thinknow will consider requests to attend city conferences with a Media Pass.

City Presentations**

2thinknow will consider invites from well ranked cities to present award trophies for rankings.

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Other Requests

2thinknow can and have helped with all sorts of unusual requests - even offbeat ones, just ask!

2thinknow can develop your city in many ways. Please ask.

Special Notes

  1. * Additional service fees apply -- these are discounted for City Package subscribers.
  2. ** Travel (business class over 4 hours) and all event costs must be paid, in most cases it is better to bundle this with a workshop or consulting engagement, or a Platinum package (includes City Visit) or organize a City Visit. Travel to events in China, Russia, Eurasia, Africa and Latin America may be limited.
  3. 2thinknow reserve all rights including the right to refuse all requests due to travel times or limited availability or other reasons. Preference is always given to city package subscribers in this order - Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze relative to the relevance level of the request and other commitments.