Cities Products

Products tailored to help cities grow their innovation economy.

Special Analyst Services

Special Services are requests for those added city services not included in City Packages. This may include a […]

Analyst Phone Briefings

For Cities & Councils Sometimes you need to talk to someone to understand data, and results. Understanding and […]

Analyst Email Support

For Cities & Councils Analyst Support enables your questions to be answered. Support to help your city government […]

Making City Submissions

For Cities & Councils Package Subscribers can submit their cities latest data and information to 2thinknow. 2thinknow City […]

The Innovation Course for Business Innovation

Start innovating in your business to get the ball of innovation rolling in your city and crank up job creation. 2thinknow provides the Innovation Course for business in a number of variations for different businesses. Each variation of the Innovation Course teaches you how to design, communicate and implement innovation in business organizations locally and regional/global markets.

City Dashboard Report

For Cities & Councils Make your job easy. Complete view of your city’s performance squeezed into one page […]

City Benchmarking – City Data Audit

Single Cities Data’ (SCD) provide a snapshot of a city Innovation potential across 162 City Indicators in 31 segments. The most comprehensive global comparative city benchmarking data – covering all our indexed cities – is available from 2thinknow.